Legal Notice


Pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and the LOPD GDD 3/2018 concerning the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing and free movement of personal data, the following Information Clause is provided:

NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD utilizes images and videos in its proprietary media, including the website, publications, and official social networks.

The purpose of these media is to showcase the activities of the non-profit organization, without any form of commercial exploitation.


Postal Address: Ponzano 54, 5º B (28003 Madrid)

Telephone: 91 441 84 16


The provided data will be retained for the duration necessary to fulfil legal obligations. The data will not be disclosed to third parties unless required by legal obligations. You have the right to confirm whether NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD is processing your personal data. Therefore, you are entitled to access your personal data, correct inaccuracies, or request deletion when the data is no longer necessary.

We also want to inform you that we are here to assist you in safeguarding your rights through the Procedure for the exercise of rights by data subjects, which includes access, rectification, cancellation/blocking, opposition, and portability.

Social Media

Pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and the LOPD GDD 3/2018 regarding the protection of natural persons concerning the processing and free movement of personal data, the following Information Clause is provided:

NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD utilizes various social networks to inform and promote its activities. The purpose of these platforms is to showcase the non-profit organization’s work without any commercial intent.

These activities are confined to:

  1. Activities of the non-profit organization.
  2. Dissemination of all external activities in which the non-profit organization participates. These activities have diverse origins and target audiences, encompassing the public both in Spain and worldwide. The publications’ purpose is to highlight the significance of the work undertaken, making it known to the broader public, not just the beneficiaries. It’s crucial to note that these activities, like the organization’s primary work, serve no commercial purpose.

Monitoring the presence of images and recordings containing personal data of beneficiaries on social networks (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.):

  1. The Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts exclusively belong to NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD.
  2. The provision of data and images is subject to the data processing policy of Own Media Images. This process necessarily involves obtaining consent from individuals whose personal data is being published.
  3. The processing of publications is strictly internal. Only individuals affiliated with NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD (or the non-profit organization’s social media team, if applicable) are authorized to share information on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or other proprietary social networks.
  4. Any request from beneficiaries or individuals whose personal data is published will prompt an immediate response from the editors, addressing and rectifying or deleting the requested information.
  5. The destruction of data will be exclusively undertaken by the designated individuals from NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD (or the non-profit organization’s social media team, if applicable).
  6. NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD holds responsibility for all data processed on its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts, as well as other proprietary social networks owned by the non-profit organization.
  7. Beyond the specified scope (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or other social networks exclusively owned by the non-profit entity), the Institute assumes no responsibility for the comments, images, or videos processed on those platforms.

Right of access, rectification, cancellation/blocking, objection, and portability.


Postal Address: Ponzano 54, 5º B (28003 Madrid)

Telephone: 91 441 84 16


The provided data will be retained for the duration necessary to fulfil legal obligations. The data will not be disclosed to third parties unless required by legal obligations. You have the right to confirm whether NICOLÁS BARRÉ SOLIDARIDAD is processing your personal data; therefore, you are entitled to access your personal data, correct inaccuracies, or request deletion when the data is no longer necessary.

We also want to inform you that we are here to assist you in safeguarding your rights through the Procedure for the exercise of rights by data subjects, which includes access, rectification, cancellation/blocking, opposition, and portability.